Pastoral Care We are very concerned that the pastoral needs of everyone are met whatever the circumstances. Episcopal clergy from our area can visit you at home, in rehab, in the hospital. They are supported by the Messiah Eucharistic visitors who will bring you Holy Communion if you are unable to come to church. If you experience the death of a loved one please contact the office anytime by email at [email protected]
Adult Education Sunday Adult Forums These has been suspended for the present time.
Bible study Every Monday and Thursday we offer Bible study. The Monday group meets in the lower hall from 2 -3:30 pm. The Thursday group currently meets by free conference call (contact the church for the access code) from 11am - 12 noon. Participants bring the version of the Bible they prefer, and both groups welcome new members. Currently the Monday group is studying St John's Gospel and the Thursday group is studying 1 Samuel (2 Samuel will be next.) Sr. Victoria Michelle leads the discussions.
Lunch and Book Group This hasbeen suspended for the present time.
Book and Movie Night This hasbeen suspended for the present time.
Education for Ministry Education for Ministry, which is led by The Rev. Lorna Erixon, the rector at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Mendham, begins in September. The meetings are hosted via Zoom on Thursday evenings from 7-9 pm. This college level class invites the participants to study the Bible in depth and to think reflectively and theologically. Anyone can enroll in the program and you do not need to be a church member to belong. The first year includes an in-depth study of the Old Testament, the second year an in-depth study of the New Testament, the third year an in-depth study of church history, and the fourth year an in-depth study of theology.
The Inquirer’s Class This has been suspended until further notice.