Introducing our Vestry and their answers to these questions: 1. How long have you been attending the Church of the Messiah? 2. What do you/did you do for a living? 3. What is/are your favorite thing(s) about the Church of the Messiah?
WARDEN - STEWARDSHIP & FELLOWSHIP - Debbie B. 1. I’ve been attending Church of the Messiah since 1994. 2. I spent over 42 years working in and managing laboratories at Morristown Medical Center (MMC) and cancer centers. In 1994 I began practicing the healing art called Jin Shin Jyutsu. Currently I practice this at MMC and teach classes for private groups and cancer patients and anyone else that will listen! 3. My favorite things about Messiah are the diverse opportunities to do God’s work and the fun people to do them with. From participating in the worship service, teaching Sunday School, being on the Vestry, working at Homeless Solutions, working at one of the many gardens that support the local soup kitchens, singing or playing in the vocal or bell choir, to working in the thrift shop are just a few of my favorite things.
WARDEN - EDUCATION/FORMATION, COMMUNICATION - Merica D. 1.Member since 2009 2.I am a genetic counselor by training and currently work as a clinical genomics specialist. My employer performs various genetic tests, including two tests called whole exome and whole genome sequencing. So, my specific job involves reviewing the genetic variants identified via either of these tests relative to the individual’s clinical symptoms to try to identify the cause of their symptoms. A job my husband lovingly describes as a genetic Sherlock Holmes. 3.I enjoy singing in the choir and having the opportunity to use my God-given gifts to serve others.
LITURGY - Jackie M. 1. Member since 1983 2. I teach technology and yoga to people who are visually impaired 3. I love singing in the choir and I feel like I am part of a family
STEWARDSHIP - Holly P. 1. I have been attending Messiah since 2019.
2. I am a social worker, working with children and families through the Family Stabilization Program. I integrate expressive arts therapy techniques with trauma informed interventions to offer a space for individuals and families to explore their needs. I also use meditation in various forms, including dance and art, to teach grounding.
3. My favorite part of Messiah is the community. Messiah has supported me through many rough times and being part of vestry helps me to pay it forward.
FELLOWSHIP - Pat K. 1. Member since 2021 2. National Aquatics Program Coordinator facilitating swim team programs across the United States and Canada. I love that sport of swimming and enjoy watching young athletes grow into vibrant adults. 3. I enjoy the outreach opportunities, the Messiah family, and serving on Vestry
LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR - Dani P. 1. I started attending Messiah around 2010
2. I work in professional theater, primarily as a stage manager. I also do stage props, am a teaching artist, actor and director. I am an adjunct professor at Centenary University and I create art from found objects. My degree is in Communications (Theater concentration) with an Art minor.
3. Messiah is a true community of spirit. I found a unique family of friends. It is diverse, respectful and active. DOING what Jesus said to do- take care of each other and be stewards of the Earth.
LITURGY - Kristie P. 1. 2. 3.
FUNDRAISING (non-Vestry) - Kathy K. 1.Started attending Messiah in Spring 2004, was received into the Episcopal Church in May 2005 2. I am in Risk Management in the Banking Industry 3. Messiah was introduced to me at a time when I was searching for a church. Since the beginning, Messiah has provided me with a sturdy ground, a chance to take a break from the week and say thank you. The parish has so many opportunities.